Today's theme was compare contrast: moon blankets loud, opaque, colorless vs. body scarves silent, translucent, colorful. The babies got to feel above the moon as the mommies lifted the big moon blanket overhead gently rattling it to make the outer space sounds. We coupled that with the celestial body scarf experience gently floating the colorful scarves overhead and over body. Noah really got tickled by the passing scarf over his body. Paige is definitely a moon blanket aficionado, and Elliot said, "if you're not going to finish that, I'll eat it :)" It was clear to see that some babies really enjoyed the experience of the rough stuff, while others preferred the tranquility of the gentle--it will be neat to see who winds up in the city and country 20 years from now :) Charlie let us know when it was time to change activities, well done!
We played ball games: baby soccer, animal surprise, and sensory balls. Asher did great watching the process of mom rolling and then revealing the animal surprise! The babies did a great job tracking the soccer ball, kicking, and most of all taking turns.
Our last compare/contrast was sensory rings with soft rings. Layla and Julian definitely enjoyed investigating the difference.
Asher really flew during his monkey jumps, big smiles from all the babies! Declan did great reach reach reaching for his slinky so did Elliot!
I hope everyone gets a good night's sleep!
Video to Follow Soon--thanks Jamal!!!