10 months to 22 our little ones all found there way through the hay! No one was deterred by the cobwebs, mice, gourds, pumpkins or cotton-ball ghosts! Boo!
As a mother watches over her child, willing to risk her own life to protect her only child, so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings, radiating kindness over the entire world. --Buddha
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Harvest Time! "Dig with Me" Mommy and Me Silverlake, Hay n "Dirt"
10 months to 22 our little ones all found there way through the hay! No one was deterred by the cobwebs, mice, gourds, pumpkins or cotton-ball ghosts! Boo!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Littlest Los Angeles, CA
let's get dirty!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dig With ME Playgroup Los Angeles begins 10/28
parent-and-me messy playgroup
in Silverlake
45 minute
music-and-movement, developmental play, and hands-on digging!
OCT 28 Dress-up and Dig Halloween
“Hay” and “Soil” (not dirty)
NOV 4 Dig through Straws
NOV 11 Dig through Dry and Wet
NOV 18 Dig through Rice and Beans
Drop In $22
4-Class Package $65
no refunds
Drop In $25
4 class Package $75
To register contact:
Betsy Edelberg (323) 841-0369 bedelberg@yahoo.com
for pics of “Paint with Me” and “Waterplay with Me” and for more information about sensory integration
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
"Waterplay with Me" Mommy-and-Me Class Silverlake, CA
Bubble Art & Body Paint "Paint with Me" Mommy-and-Me Class Silverlake, CA
Waldorf Technique Wet-on-Wet Painting, "Paint with Me" Mommy-and-Me class Silverlake, CA
Wet-on-wet is a wonderful way to introduce painting to our very youngest children. We use Stockmar paints which truly represent color the way it is seen in nature. First we soaked the watercolor paper in water, when we took the soaked paper out of the water, we used medicine droppers and paint brushes and watched the colors dance and chase each other all over the pages.
On Sensory Integration
Sensory Integration Activities are the lifeline to providing and achieving the necessary challenges for your child so they maximize:
daily functioning
intellectual, social, and emotional development
the development of a positive self-esteem
a mind and body which is ready for learning
positive interactions in the world around him
the achievement of normal developmental milestones
From the womb into adulthood, our neurological systems are developing
and processing an overwhelming amount of sensory information every day.
Our system must then interpret this information and make it ready to be
tolerated and used for specific purposes.
If this normal developmental process is hindered in any way, it can cause detrimental effects. Proper intake and use of sensory input is absolutely critical to a child's maturation process and the building of core, foundational skills. I certainly can not stress this enough... it isthat important!
The best part about sensory integration activities is the creative fun
you can have coming up with ideas, playing with your child using sensory
input, or purchasing unique toys and products anyone would love! (I'll be honest, sometimes adults need and love these products as much as, if not more than, the child!)