Thursday, September 29, 2011

Waldorf Seasons: Michaelmas Festival

Though I have become more interested in Waldorf education over the years, I have admittedly glossed over the Michaelmas seasonal celebration in the Waldorf tradition.

I came across this really simple and informative article on The Magic Onions, and I am finding myself on board with Michaelmas (it always starts wee with me).

Why, because I believe children process the major themes of life through stories and celebrations, and this one seems pretty potent.

"Saint Michael is the archangel responsible for hurling Lucifer from Heaven...This equinox marks the beginning of darker days.  Since Michael is a herald of light, he is thought of as a protector during this time."

The way it has become expressed to children is the story of George slaying a dragon, which is adapted for children of different ages.  

Melissa recommends, Saint George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges and Trina Schart Hyman and Saint George and the Dragon by Geraldine McCaughrean and Nicki Palin.

Crafts, dragon bread and dramatic plays all easily accompany this celebration as well, to the Michaelmas Festival!

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